Our Blog

Follow our blog to hear from our staff and to find out about resources at Journey and within the community.

Making Marriage Work

Making Marriage Work

Written by Linda Nelson, MS, LPC Summer. An historically popular season for weddings. And no wonder, as young people complete their preparations for a life of supporting themselves and those they love, generally those they will make a life with as spouses, and also...

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Journey On, Beloved

Journey On, Beloved

As I watched the sheep and their shepherd, I was struck by how much I could relate with my fluffy, fearful, animal friends. I felt upside down, without firm ground, and like I was flailing. I was forgetting that even though I was feeling discomfort and disorientation…

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Great Community Give 2023

Great Community Give 2023

The Great Community Give is Wednesday, April 19, 2023! Tomorrow is a big day for Harrisonburg and Rockingham County non-profit organizations. It's a day when we invite you to give back, so that we can help even more people in our community. Journey's goal is to raise...

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Hope Talks

Hope Talks

In our Post Covid-19 status, researchers are indicating that the rises in mental health disorders are not returning to their pre-pandemic state. The impact on our economy and increase in social isolation, along with other factors, has left our world with greater...

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Forming: Change by Grace

Forming: Change by Grace

Here is a personal reflection from Susan Medlin, our graduate intern, on her experience leading Forming: Changed by Grace. Consider joining us in this new group experience.

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Honor God With Our Bodies

Honor God With Our Bodies

Let’s utilize our physical bodies while we benefit from the movement, fresh air, and change of scenery. There’s more to gain than calorie burn – there’s much evidence that physical activity boosts our emotional and mental well-being. It’s not just about being beach ready – there’s an opportunity to reduce stress and anxiety while increasing cognitive functioning.

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Great Community Give!

Great Community Give!

It’s time! Please consider supporting Journey by donating on April 20. Your donation will help others receive counseling who may not otherwise be able to afford it.

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Talking About Death

Talking About Death

“Biblical compassion should be saying to us that we need to put to death our timidity and tell our neighbors the hope that is found in the gospel by becoming a follower of Jesus Christ. A key passage that tells us of this hope is 1 Corinthians 15.”  

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